Latest News

Merry Christmas

We will be closed for Christmas from 22nd December through to 3rd January.  So, may we take this opportunity to wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us here at Skilltec Training.

A Big Welcome to Brandon

Delighted to be welcoming Brandon Hulcoop to the Business Development team who joins us in a supporting role advising clients on course options.

**New Course Release** Microsoft 365 - An Introduction to Power Automate

We have now launched a new course in our Microsoft 365 Toolkit....An Introduction to Power Automate.  This course introduces you to Power Automate where you can create workflows between Apps and Services within the Microsoft 365 environment.

To view the complete contents, take a look at the Course Profile and if you are interested in attending there are some dates already set up for you to book onto or you can speak to one of our team to discuss your options further on 01752 227330 (option 2).

Welcome Jodi

A huge welcome to Jodi Rogers who has joined our Skilltec Team as a Training Support Administrator.  She's been with us a few weeks now and is proving herself as a great addition to the team already.  Lovely to have you with us Jodi!

Essential HR & Business Skills Courses - Spaces Available

We have a couple of spaces on two of our Business Skills Courses taking place in August in our Virtual Classroom.  Mastering Recruitment & Selection on 16th August and Report Writing on 19th August.  It's not too late to join us so take a look at the course profile and see what they are about and if you are interested you can book online on through our Website at or contact one of our team on 01752 227330.

Crystal Reports Introduction - Virtual Classroom

New to Crystal Reports and want to learn much more about what it can do.  Taking place in our Virtual Classroom on 26th & 27th August, our 2-day introductory course covers the basics of creating simple reports and adding functionality to them, such as record selection, grouping, formulae and parameters. 

If you are interested in this course, then visit our Crystal Reports course page to book on-line or pick up the phone to one of our team on 01752 227330 who will be happy to talk things through with you.

Train the Trainer - Virtual Classroom

This one-day Train the Trainer course is running in our Virtual Classroom on 28th July and is specifically designed for new and current trainers who wish to develop their training skills and learn new and innovative techniques in training design, construction and delivery.

During the course you will learn how to plan and deliver a training session, be that on a one-to-one basis or to a larger group of people so if this sounds like a course for you, then you can visit our Train the Trainer course page for all the details and book your place on line, emailing us at or by giving us a call on 01752 227330 where one of our team will be happy to help you.

Introduction to Management - Virtual Course

Taking place on the 27th & 28th May this two-day Introduction to Management course is part of our Leadership Development series and is designed specifically for new managers and those soon to be promoted. It will give them a comprehensive insight into the human relations components that characterise any management role, regardless of industry or function.

The programme covers all the fundamental skills necessary to succeed in such positions and will provide participants with the tools and confidence to perform their management duties effectively for maximum results.

Interested?  Take a look at the Course Profile  or call one of our team on 01752 227330 (option 2) for further information.

It's Time to Welcome you Back

Our Training Centres are now open again with a limited schedule of in-centre training courses and we look forward to welcoming you all back.

Following a detailed COVID-19 Risk Assessment, we have reconfigured our Training Centre and put in place new protocols to ensure the safety of our students, exam candidates and our staff, while ensuring the quality of training and support you have come to expect from us.  Prior to re-opening, the  Training Centre was subject to a deep clean using antiseptic, antibacterial cleaning products. This process was carried out over the course of a week and involved every part of the Training centre including shared entrance areas.

The classrooms and delegate rest areas have been reconfigured to enable effective Social Distancing. This has involved not only reducing classroom sizes considerably but also capping the total number of people coming into the Training Centre at any one time.  We have put hand sanitiser stations at key points in the Centre including at the front entrance to the building, at reception and in the delegates rest area. On-going antibacterial cleaning will be carried out during the day with particular focus on high-touch areas.

We have installed safety and information signage throughout the Centre.  We ask that you wear face masks when entering and moving around the centre but these can be removed when sat at your training desk.

We hope you are as excited as we are about being back but if you have any queries regarding coming in to the Centre, please contact our Training Support Team at


**New** MS Project Level 3 Course - Virtual Classroom

By popular demand we have now launched our new Microsoft Project Level 3 course.  This more advanced course will go through how to customise all areas of Microsoft Project, exchange project plan data with other applications and reuse project plan information. You will also look at creating custom reports using both the built in Reporting tools plus Power BI. 

To view the complete contents, take a look at the Course Profile and if you are interested in attending there are some dates already set up for you to book onto or you can speak to one of our team to discuss your options further on 01752 227330 (option 2).